Building Stronger Communities
The Alliance of Massachusetts YMCAs member's are the Commonwealth's largest not-for-profit community service organization. The Alliance researches and promotes public policies in order to improve the lives of those whom we serve.

2025-2027 Policy Priorities
Download our 2025-2027 Policy Priorities summary to review the primary legislative measures that we support, as they will impact the lives of individuals in our communities.

FY 2026 Budget Priorities
Download our Fiscal Year 2026 Budget Priorities summary to review the key budget priorities the Alliance is supporting.

Join our Advocacy Efforts
Help the Alliance continue to work with community partners and policy makers while building relationships to support YMCA initiatives on a local, statewide, and national level.
Access Our Communication Materials
Foundations of our Youth
Learn about the YMCA programs that serve youth who are at risk in Massachusetts
Collective Impact
Learn about the steps that YMCAs took in 2024 to make impacts in their communities
About the Alliance
Learn about what the Alliance does in service of YMCAS
Evidence Based Health Initiatives
Learn about the unique programs that YMCAs offer to keep their communities healthy